


Kelly has lived in the Memphis/Collierville area her entire life. She is extremely creative and outgoing, and loves to make people laugh! She has over 20 years experience as a stylist.

She is also an artist and has a real passion for visual art and design that she draws from when behind the chair - through sculpting any haircut to painting the hair to create rich color dimension. She is a certified member of the The Kacey Welch Method of sewn in silk weft hair extensions.

Kelly specializes in blondes, brondes, corrective color, highlighting, and hair extensions. Her hair cutting skills range from fine hair to coarse to curly textures. Kelly loves to use Morroccan Oil, Keune and Unite products. She uses the Keune color line and is provided continuing education by the Keune creative team.

"I love having a professional career that lets me interact with people and be creative. It is so important to listen to my clients' needs and hair concerns. I enjoy having the opportunity to create wearable art and develop personal, lifelong relationships with my clients. It is such a rewarding day when I can say I have made someone really laugh and leave my chair feeling amazing about their look!"

Kelly continues her education by attending hair shows from Nashville to Birmingham to NYC and any local opportunities.